By Mikal Jakubal
I got a phone message from one of my subjects explaining why she hadn’t callled me back a few days ago. Turns out she had a health emergency and ended up in surgery. While she was in the hospital, her child fell and required stitches. Both are home now and will be fine, but that was a scary and unfortunate message to come home to. I wish them healing, happiness and swift recovery. I’ll go over with the camera and catch up as soon as they feel up to it.
This morning I got another message that my other subject, the one whom I filmed pulling the big male plants out a few days ago. She found a bunch more males and tore them out as well. Serious bummer for her, since she doesn’t grow much at all. She said she got a bad batch of starts from someone. They were supposed to be clones (i.e. all female and all the same strain), but apparently weren’t.
Seems it’s going to be one interesting year for everyone.