By Mikal Jakubal
Here’s another true tale of reefer-growing madness that was related to me yesterday first-hand.
“I went to check out my secret stash spot, looking for something else. It’s a six-inch diameter PVC pipe section with capped ends hidden out in the woods. [PVC can’t be found by authorities with metal detectors.] When I opened it up, I found an envelope with $2,500 in cash that I’d put there over a year ago and totally forgot about! I had thought the money went a bit too quickly last year. It never occurred to me to check there.”
Virtually everyone here has a story about someone they know losing money or pounds of weed this way. It often involves a frantic dash out into the hills as helicopters circle overhead. One advantage of the end of the black market economy will be the ability of people to just put money in the bank or spend it above board.
In the same way that homesteaders now find grinding stones, arrowheads and other Native American artifacts, future inhabitants will be finding the occasional pipe full of rotten paper tangled in the roots of some old tree uprooted in one of the frequent windstorms.